Every day, I get a feeling that time would easily leave us behind, and it's just everyone's collective audacity that prevents us from taking the gravity of this implication into account: there could easily have been a human race to rise and fall before our time. There could easily have been separate human races on our sister planets Mars and Venus, definitely not within our lifetimes, but there withstands the possibility nonetheless. Proof of parallel humanities does exist(pyramids/water formations on Mars), and it doesn't take too much to draw the connection that there could have been a race on Mars long ago(when it WAS habitable), that could have taken and upset the environment of the planet over many, many years(as we are doing today on our own), and upset the biosphere to such a degree that the planet could no longer sustain surface life. The degree of self-importance of our race is unparalleled to anything in our scope of awareness, to the point that many people choose to forget that something was here before us. Many even choose to forget that there is STILL something surrounding us, sustaining us, that is MUCH larger than us, and has been around for MUCH longer than us. We have one day a year in our WORK calendar to appreciate the planet Earth, and that is about as much thought as some people give to the gigantic contiguous solid sphere that is beneath our feet every single second of every day of our entire lives. They are the ones who take a lot of life for granted, I feel. If appreciation were anything more than a feeling, they would know they are missing out on a whole dimension of thought and life, but I suppose they aren't ready to grow up yet.
To me, the expansion of perception forcibly mirrors the attachment to nature and the acknowledgement of our true caregivers in this physical domain. Even if you refuse to acknowledge the abstract entities that are Mother Nature, or Earth, you can't ignore the distinct pattern that nature has followed to progress to where it is today, and how this pattern continues still(despite any attempts to claim it or control it). It exists in all beings that we are surrounded by, in all living things, and despite modern commercialism, in us as well, which is why, despite our advances against nature in all possible facets, it still finds a way to coexist with us. Despite our rejection of it, despite attempts to proclaim we are something external to it, something different than it, it still integrates us into its grand scheme. It still tolerates us as a parent would love a child, even a rebellious or deviant one: unconditionally.
Acknowledgement of the planet on a larger scale gives indication of just how much power it moves around on a regular basis: volcanic eruptions that could wipe out half the life on the planet, hurricanes that sweep across continents, earthquakes that completely shift the GROUND as we know it, and the whole thing never ever stops spinning. Unending 'barrage' from solar flares, an ozone layer in constant replenishment, a pleasant lack of storms covering its surface(some form of electrical stability, a rare feature in planets with an atmosphere, in case you hadn't looked around), and there is fresh, clean water moving around everywhere, like the blood of our great planet. We take it in daily, similar to the blood cells of our own body taking in oxygen, we take in the sustenance of our great Mother Earth's being and it allows us to keep living comfortably. Not a bad gig, this.
So it has all that power, and like the young, angsty teenage race of creatures that we are(I mean, we're just a few years ahead of walking on two feet, mind you), we reject it, and some of us even go so far as to hate it. But it still tries, and it still sustains us, despite how much we hurt it, and despite how much we injure and oppress our younger sibling races and species(ever seen a factory farm?), it still believes we can learn, testament to the fact that we are still here. No viruses or bacteria have come to wipe us out(though many have come close). I'd be lying if I said there weren't tests, those we can be sure of, but none that we didn't have a chance at passing. Some of these diseases, we were able to get past by some sort of genetic disposition, which until just recently, we had no knowledge of, so that was some sort of something we facilitated somehow without our immediate knowledge... or it let us live. Either way, we've been causing trouble for a while now, and it hasn't been until just recently that it seems we are going to come to a conclusive point.
Many calendars are ending. Many 'doomsdays' are approaching, or have passed just recently. Does it mean the world is ending? Maybe for us, anyway, but probably not. In the weighing of all that is good and all that is bad, many ideologies believe this is the end of our time, but more positive ideologies and spiritual practices believe we are reaching a pivotal point of evolution once again. Perhaps we are supposed to step into our next successive species now or we will be left behind by our environment, as Darwin predicts. Some more esoteric practices believe we need to raise our vibration out of the physical, because the physical body of the Earth is something it does not wish to maintain any longer, and has only done so for this long to allow us to grow to this point and make the leap with it into a higher energy form, perhaps as we are it's Prodigal Son in a sense. Perhaps its something totally different, but all arrows point to one thing: SOMETHING is going to happen. Something very soon. Looking around the world gives a weird sense of discordance and disharmony in a lot of ways, but we are also becoming interconnected as a species in a way we never have before. Perhaps its up to us to decide what happens next.