Friday, May 30, 2014

The Pattern, Do you see it? Do you need to?

We are all one. This phrase means so much, and so little at the same time. The unity across humanity is astounding, especially in the modern times, when most difference can be ironed out by social pressures and the excessive perceived energy required to individualize yourself in any way. After you grow tired of trying  to be the best(like nobody EVER was), you begin to wonder, 'what can I do to just make things better?' When you start engaging yourself in the expansion of perception, you really have to make a few leaps, involved in the liberation of fear and guilt. If we are truly all one, there is no fear involved in the risks in life, because even if it goes so badly, if it something you truly wanted to do, for yourself, then the outcome should not define the experience, and you should proceed without fear, because regardless of what happens, the etheric part of your self brought you there to a challenge that you have always wanted to conquer, and if you fail, you still tried, and if you succeed, then you tried without fear, because you know your limits innately, and you know what you can do if you truly listen to yourself, life is just a matter of proving to yourself every step along the way. Increasing your energy can also be through increasing the energy of others, since we are all one, any change you invoke in others multidimensionally should come back to you in some way or another in your life or lifestyle(we call this karma). Since this other person is a part of you, past incarnation or future prospect, being the bigger person and doing something nice out of your own goodness should change their worldview, and consequently can release tension within yourself. This is the root of the selfless nature involved in transcendence.
I see many people who are 'waking up' in different aspects of their lives, and beginning to draw their own connections between things, which is wonderful, but many of these people still are forgetting fundamental property of awakening: they did not do it on their own, and anyone who helped them get there did not shove their own progress in their face as some sort of superior trait. We are all on the journey, and despite what you may believe, the part of you that feeds your soul desires this awakening moreso than anything, because it is incredibly serving to always be able to see the truth in the scenarios you are involved in: the more you learn, the more control over the actual course of your life you gain. All of your 'unseen' deeds compound externally as 'luck' sometimes, and other times, as a faith that others find in you. Liberating the fearful mind of its problems is a method of raising vibration and expansion of all people, and once you become sensitive, and once you become aware, you will begin to see the pattern to it all, and WE ARE ONE takes on a very personal meaning. After you observe the propagation of positivity through faith for a certain time, you learn the consequences(or results, if you will) of it in your life through impartial self-observation. Soon, the extra energy you used to impart into your daily as some sort of faithful propagation of self-oriented positive karma becomes a more complete selfless channeling of goodness and wholeness, for when you see yourself in the eyes of others, you can truly see how we are all one.
If this still has not rung a bell in at least a few memories across your lifetime, think of this: what if there were an infinite number of people on the planet, but only a very finite number of souls channeling through these people, and the relations of these souls is homogeneous across every implementation of these souls throughout the planet(so like, say 100 people, only 10 souls, each one is simultaneously inhabiting and living 10 separate lives). Although you may never meet another body that you inhabit, or perhaps may only see them in passing, the way you interact with the other souls holds true for all the iterations of your self in all the social circles that the two souls would interact within. So say you are a child in one lifetime and you become jealous of your friend because he has cooler sunglasses or something, and you end up insulting him(from his perspective for no reason at all) and hurting his feelings. Now say at the same time, in the next(simultaneous) lifetime, your soul inhabits the body of the leader of America, and his soul inhabits the body of the leader of China. Suddenly, some sort of regular diplomatic procedure may not feel right from him, or before he even meets you, he just has a bad feeling about you, and for some reason you feel like you have to work a lot harder just to gain his trust, all agendas aside. Have you ever met someone and just felt some degree of distrust to them, without them even doing anything? Does it ever turn out that it was just all in your head, and they are actually a really great person, and your lack of trust was just some misunderstanding? If you truly trust the people of the world(as we aim to do), then this mistrust is not the soul maintaining prejudice(as the mind does), but rather remembering a defensive instinct toward a certain energy. Once we know we can trust one another again, removing these defenses allows the energy of life to flow between ourselves once again.
Rather than in that example, with 10 separate souls interacting with each other in every possible social scenario possible, the truth remains that we are ONE, so seeing part of yourself in every person you walk past is no coincidence: we all have the same needs, biologically and psychologically speaking, and we all feel the same emotions throughout our lives. To know ones'self is to know the world, and to realize that which would ALWAYS make your day better, is to know how to be the light in the lives of every person you meet.
The best way to help those that you love is to help even those you may not feel close enough to love, because it may be that someone else is helping the one you love in that moment as well. After all, everything is connected, a fractal within a fractal. Be the light in someone's day, and when things seem dark, never lose faith. :) Namaste.