Monday, January 26, 2015

Invoking Change/Being the Center of Your Universe, the Benevolent God

We all have a capability to change those around us, and in ways that are usually for the better. What I mean is everybody is thirsty, but only some people know how to get water.  If you happen to figure out a way of getting water, and you notice how nice life is when you aren't constantly thirsty, the last thing you want to do is slap a patent and your name on the "water-collecting method" you have come up with. People don't want to have to thank you for something that should be innate knowledge, or acknowledge you every time they go to fulfill a basic necessity(which nearly every thing you hold on to in life is, after long enough). Claiming to have invented a form of meditation or some esoteric breathing/grounding technique is the same as claiming to invent peeing or standing up straight: be honest with yourself and everyone, you just discovered it! If the system was there beforehand, and just needed to be moved a certain way to work, that is discovery within the self, and should be treated as such.
There are many different things to thirst after in life, and many more ways of going about quenching them. When you discover a new awesome thing, the first thing you may want to do afterwards is to tell every single person you know about it! Go to them and tell them what you did and try to get them to do it as well! Now, to somebody who is suffering from a lack of whatever it is that you now have, going to them and telling them that you now have it and how great it feels to have it doesn't always come across on the other end as an awesome thing. More often than not, it invokes envy or just anger depending on what the thing is, because that is what deficiencies create space for in the self. We all want to help everyone we can, but preaching is not the answer to solve everybody's problems, especially if they don't even know the cause themselves. Pointing out the cause is not your job in their life. They need to find the cause on their own, or they will never be able to find the strength to live the solution. They will get there the same way you got there, and we know this through reincarnation and multidimensionality. We know this because of the transience of information and the permanence of memories, and we know this because we are all connected. Any amount of outward egotism simply pushes others away, whether it is pointing out to somebody that they have an unhealthy habit, or even thinking that their life would be better if they would just listen to you about X or Y. Ultimately the only thing you can do for them is shine a little brighter and do the one thing you do best: live. Your life, if what you claim is true, should stand as an example on its own, and you don't need to say anything about it, and you don't even need to think about it, because if it is true, it simply is.
In the same way disease is contagious, so is health. By living a positive, healthy lifestyle, you shed healthy energy on everybody around you, You live by example, you don't push others, you do not judge, and you are rewarded energy. You cycle this energy everywhere you go, and share energy with every individual you encounter. Judgement and unhealthy practice, sin as it were, strips you of this energy, you share less, shine dimmer, make less impact. Of course, you can always build yourself up again, but pay mention to when you notice yourself slipping, falling into bad habit, embracing that which is 'not it', because it will affect everybody around you. Keep your head up, keep on trying, and remember to smile always :) Hold yourself to the highest standard, in every endeavor, and every challenge, so that you can always grow, and carry the world with you.
Love and Light, hope I wasn't too preachy today, Namaste!

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